AQM 981/991/992/918 Seat Angle Adjusters for Carbon Fiber LWBS

The Issue

Over a period of a few months after the release of the 981/991 platforms, we discovered a common complaint amongst our clients driving and tracking various cars equipped with the new Carbon Fiber Lightweight Bucket Seats. They were uncomfortable! Especially when wearing a helmet, and even more so when using a HANS device, the issue is that the seat is too upright causing your head to be tilted forward and down, you’re left having to look up slightly to have proper visibility out the front of the car. In addition to being bothersome and uncomfortable, having your neck in this position all day can become rather tiring after a long day at the track.

After doing some research with our contacts in the industry, we discovered that due to new DOT regulations OE seats are now required to have a minimum distance between your head and the headrest. Vehicle manufacturers get around this and maintain comfort by making the headrest adjustable. Unfortunately with non-adjustable headrests like on the new LWBS, the comfort issue arises and this had led to many complaints.
Our Solution
After testing a multitude of different options, we settled on a design for a precisely engineered longer/angled pivot arm. The pivot arm is what the seat rotates on that increases and decreases the height of the seat when you push the button to raise or lower it. Our pivot arm changes the axis of that pivot and causes the seat to angle back further, raising the front of the seat up about 1.5 inches more and tilting the top of the seat back another 2 inches. You are still able to mount the seat normally without any modifications to the bolts or putting spacers in that could cause any potential change in structural safety. There is no change to any of the seat functions. Our Seat Angle Adjusters are made from high-tensile steel with a black E-Coat to ensure durability of the material and finish. Expect about an hour installation time per seat which can be completed by a mechanically savvy individual. Just make sure there is no power on in the car so you don’t trigger the air bag lights when you unplug the seats for removal. Our Seat Angle Adjusters do come with complete installation instructions and tech help is available.

The results have been nothing short of spectacular, and so popular we have sold hundreds just through initial word of mouth. Not only is visibility and head room now right where it needs to be (even when wearing a helmet and HANS), the angle of the seat is much more supportive and comfortable and full electronic height adjustability is still maintained. They have also proven very popular in the passenger seat as your significant other really appreciates the additional comfort on those long drives. We recommend installing them in both the driver and passenger seats. It will maintain the same aesthetics between the seats, providing the same benefits on track for an instructor/passenger or yourself if you happen to be co-piloting. Plus, you don’t end up with your significant other being upset when she finds out your seat is much more comfortable than hers. Get a set (or two), install them, enjoy them, tell all your friends, and most importantly…”Trust the Kiwi”



  • 992 GT3 / RS
  • 991.1/991.2 GT3
  • 991.1/991.2 GT3RS
  • 981/718 GT4
  • 718 Spyder
  • **All Vehicles equipped with Carbon LWB Seats**
$159.95 per seat
Placing an Order
While we are not yet set up for E-Commerce we will efficiently take your order via our contact information below. We would also love to take the time to learn a bit more about you, the goals you have, and offer our recommendations to meet them and maximize your driving experience. With few exceptions, as long as we aren't on track or taking a nap we are available : ) Shoot us a call, text or email 24/7!
Contact Information
Amy Riches
Cell: 941 518 0004 (text available)
Work: 239 432 1700
Email: /

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